Pisgah Area SORBA’s Public Comment: GAP Plan

Pisgah Area SORBA

PO Box 61

Skyland, NC 28776

August 11th, 2024 

Dear Mr. Larson, 

Pisgah Area SORBA (PAS) appreciates the opportunity to offer comments on the Environmental Assessment for the Grandfather, Appalachian, and Pisgah (GAP) Plan. PAS recognizes the importance of reducing wildfire risk and restoring fire-adapted forests, and we strongly support the purpose and need for this plan. We recognize the implementation of this plan will increase the longevity of our outdoor recreation opportunities by providing necessary management of our forest. Our comments will be focused on the GAP plan’s interaction with outdoor recreation in the Pisgah Ranger District, as our organizational mission is focused on access to mountain biking opportunities in this area. PAS would like to suggest the following considerations of the GAP Plan.

  1. Minimizing Impact to Outdoor Recreation Areas:  The proposal indicates that areas targeted for vegetation management with a saw timber product may experience temporary closures of trails or access, which could last 6 to 12 months. We urge the USFS to minimize closures and avoid impacting high-traffic areas whenever possible. This includes avoiding closures during peak seasons, carefully scheduling activities during off-peak times in order to reduce the impact on users.

    PAS also requests a buffer zone on either side of system trails in areas marked for prescribed burns and other vegetation management practices. This corridor should be a minimum of 50 feet on either side of the trail to preserve the existing tread and minimize prolonged impacts. While we acknowledge Forest Plan Standard FR-S-04, which requires that any existing or planned trails affected by fire operations be repaired to meet agency standards—including the restoration of unique recreational values and the use of sustainable trail design principles—we are concerned that the limited resources available in the Pisgah Ranger District could result in significant delays in restoring impacted trails. Therefore, PAS strongly encourages the USFS to require the 50 foot buffer in order to reduce impacts to existing or planned trails, avoiding potential delays in trail repair.

  2. Engagement and Communication: We request early and consistent involvement in discussions related to the specific timing and locations of management practices which will affect outdoor recreation access in the Pisgah Ranger District. Due to the potential 6-12 month temporary closures, we would like to place extreme emphasis on detailed communication when high-trafficked areas, such as Bent Creek or Fletcher Creek Trail, are targeted for saw timber production. Additionally, PAS should be involved in the conversation of identifying structures which should be protected against burn activities, such as the bridges recently constructed on the Butter Gap Trail.

Extensive communication and education measures will be necessary for our community throughout the implementation of the GAP Plan. PAS can serve as a trusted and engaged partner, supporting the USFS in educating our public and disseminating necessary information. We strongly encourage the continued and intentional inclusion of fellow nonprofit organizations as well, such as Pisgah Area SORBA, Back Country Horsemen, Carolina Mountain Club, The Pisgah Conservancy, Carolina Climbers Coalition, and more. 

Pisgah Area SORBA is dedicated to promoting sustainable and enjoyable mountain biking opportunities in the Pisgah Ranger District. We support the GAP Plan's objectives, as we recognize the preservation of the forest is necessary for outdoor recreation access and enjoyment. We appreciate the attention to our listed considerations, and are always grateful for our continued partnership with the USFS. 


Natalie Narburgh

Executive Director



Public Comment Opportunity: The GAP Plan